Latest Swachh Bharat Poem In Hindi Updated
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Swachh Bharat Poem In Hindi, Through A Powerful Recital, A Class XII Swachh Warrior Appeals For A Swachh India, 10.19 MB, 07:25, 145,333, NDTV, 2018-05-12T02:50:34.000000Z, 19, Hindi Poem On Swachh Bharat ll Swachh Bharat Abhiyan par Kavita - YouTube,, 1280 x 720, jpeg, hindi bharat poem kavita swachh abhiyan par, 20, swachh-bharat-poem-in-hindi, KAMPION
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"Women are treated as goddesses, icons and figures of inspiration, despite that, many women in India still go out and defecate in the open. This scenario in our country is in contrast to the progresses it has made", says Apoorv Vikram Shah from Sherwood College, Nainital, through his heart wrenching poem on how cleanliness. Through his powerful recital, the young warrior urged one and all, especially children to come forward and make India free from the practice of open defecation by the end of this year.
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